Deutz-Fahr - (Same Deutz-Fahr Ibérica, S.A.) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Deutz-Fahr - (Same Deutz-Fahr Ibérica, S.A.)
Av. los Artesanos, 50
28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑914841910  

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Deutz-Fahr - (Same Deutz-Fahr Ibérica, S.A.)

From it does more than one hundred years, DEUTZ-FAHR marks the guideline in the agricultural machinery: with revolutionary inventions and innovative concepts, and an orientation to the customer with big tradition. From 75 years ago, they know the tractors of DEUTZ-FAHR in the agriculture.
Professional solutions for the modern agricultural exploitation.
Realistic innovations. Agricultural machinery very clear-cut and built, in place of an eagerness of technological notoriety in the short term. DEUTZ-FAHR Always has been pioneering regarding the development of tractors and cosechadores of rational conception: modular construction, suspension of the leading axis desconectable and suspension of the cabin, tractors of perfect visibility, cabin with big space, taking of strength of 4 rear speeds and leading, preajuste automatic of the machine, TERIS/TCS, etc.; with these developments, DEUTZ-FAHR has established tendencies.
The important is the total group of the product, and no only the characteristic singular technician. The required are solutions adjusted to the practical requirements that allow him to the agriculturalist win profits to the costs of exploitation and by hectare lower.
At present, the tractors and the cosechadoras of DEUTZ-FAHR are leaders in Europe regarding quality, ergonomics and equipment.