Berthoud Agricole, S.A. | Berthoud, S.a.s. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Berthoud Agricole, S.A. | Berthoud, S.a.s.
1, Rue de l'Industrie
69220 Belleville France

How to get there

☎:  +33‑(0)474065050  
🖷:  +33‑(0)474065077
Manufacture of Equipment for the Pulverización agricultural

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Berthoud Agricole, S.A. | Berthoud, S.a.s.

With more than one hundred years from his creation, and in command of the market in France and remarkable presence in the world-wide market, Berthoud has a touch and an only experience in pulverización agricola.
It is designer of his products to the 100 % and characterises by his innovation in the development of atomisers of high performance and flawless engineering.
Berthoud Proposes, so much in Low Crops, as in Vineyards and Arboles a wide range of products:

Low crops :Suspended, Dragged and Autopropulsadores
From 200L until 7.000L, 7m until 44m

Vineyards : Suspended, Dragged and Cells and equipment for grape harvesters
From 300L until 3000L

Arboles : Suspended and Dragged
From 200L until 3000L