Aquateknica, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Aquateknica, S.A.
Jordi de Sant Jordi, 8-Acc.
46022 Valencia (València) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑963302013   +34‑963302003  
Instrumentation laboratories and control of quality

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Aquateknica, S.A.

AquaTeknica Is a company that tries continuously offer gratas and new surprises to his customers through the ofrecimiento of innovative products and services in the field of the scientific instrumentation-technical.
Founded in Valency in the year 1985, is since directed by Diego Waiter. Initially the commercialisation of material for laboratory and especially, the analysis of waters, centred the thickness of the activity. Soon, the instrumentation for control of quality added to the offer.
From his creation keeps a constant evolution in the detection and ofrecimiento of instruments with the last and more modern technology to satisfy the needs of the market.
Measurers of light and colour illustrate the catalogue: the widest range of colorimeters, spectrophotometers by reflection and transmission, advanced systems of duplication of the colour, as well as luxómetros, luminancímetros, espectrorradiómetros, analysers of colour in screens, and digitalizadores 3D of last generation, all this of the represented Konica Minolta. Later, they went incorporating the skilled recorder of temperature Datapaq, and the cabins of comparison of colour Verivide. They complete the offer the instruments for control in superficial finishings, the ones of general use in the laboratory and products accessories of the same.
Attendants to spread the solutions of the manufacturers, AQUATEKNICA is permanently oriented to the customers. In AQUATEKNICA realizar carefully the daily work, the human team, in constant growth from the start, caters of qualified solutions to the customers. In the actuality, AQUATEKNICA is company certified ISO 9001 2000. The line of instruments of AQUATEKNICA is wide and at the same time skilled.