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La actividad de gestión de residuos peligrosos se redujo casi un 28 % en 2009The activity of management of hazardous waste was reduced almost by 28% in 2009
April 14, 2010
The management of hazardous waste in Spain recorded a fall of 27.5% in 2009, according to a study by
Asegre (Association of business managers of special resources and waste). They are considered hazardous waste those that show certain characteristics of dangerous or toxic, corrosive, flammable, among others. The management of this waste is regulated in all its phases by the law and supervised by public administrations. The production of this waste is generated mainly in industrial activity, but also in services and even in homes.
Therefore, it is possible to link the activity of management of hazardous waste with industrial activity. In this sense, the industrial sector fell in Spain a 16.2% on average in 2009, moderating is significantly the fall at the end of the year to - 1.4%.
The causes of this different behavior of the industrial sector and the management of hazardous waste, may be due to that the industrial sectors with greater generation of waste still not have recovered to some extent their levels of production; also to the producers of waste are delaying their waste management in the time before the possibility of storing up to 6 months; and the existence of some level of non-compliance, so some of this waste is would be managed on the margins of legality, with the consequent impact on the environment.
Lines of activity, stresses the reduction of activity in the management of equipment contaminated with policlorofenilos (PCB), which declined by approximately 40%. This is especially noticeable if one takes into account the legal obligation of the holders of these waste manage waste PCB-contaminated by December 31, 2010. PCBs are insulating oils contained in some transformers manufactured prior to the 1980s, classified by the UN as persistent and regulated organic compound their destruction through an International Convention.
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Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de Residuos y Recursos Especiales (ASEGRE)