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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Veolia y Aitasa organizan una jornada para analizar el uso de agua regenerada para la industria química de Tarragona

Veolia And Aitasa organise a day to analyse the use of water regenerated for the chemical industry of Tarragona


21 May 2014

The Spanish subsidiary of Veolia, jointly with Aitasa has organised a Technical Day for the Industries of the Chemical Polygon of Tarragona, having the special collaboration of the Catalan Agency of the Water (ACA), the Generality of Catalonia (Department of Health) and the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona (Aeqt).

Celebrated this Tuesday 20 May under the name 'Technical and Economic Impact of the reuse of water in the Chemical Industry', more than 75 people have participated in the day that was focused in the production and distribution of water regenerated and desmineralizada pertinent of the Plant of the Camp of Tarragona, and how his reuse allows to reduce costs to his users, in addition to contributing to the sustainable development of the zone. This plant, pioneer in Europe, has produced near of 1,5 hm3 in 2013.

In the opening of the session, the adviser delegated of Aitasa, Marc Fargas, explained that it treats of a “water manufactured to the letter”, whereas the homónimo of Veolia, José Angel Legaz, has done upsetting in “the example of sustainability, like aprovechamiento of a by-product, and be model of circular economy”. The mayor of The Canonja congratulaba of the “value added that represents the water regenerated for the Clúster Chemical of the Mediterranean”, constituted on 28 March past.

In the technical interventions, the director of the area of supply of the ACA, Jordi Molist, ensured that this project is “a project colaborativo between companies, Aitasa and Veolia, and of these with the Administration, the ACA; but also transversal inside the Generality: ACA and Health ”.

The director of Aitasa, Daniel Montserrat, has announced that “in the course of this year will go in in operation a new service of production of water desmineralizada, attending the demands of the companies”. It foresees that they will be some 100.000 m3.


Technical day Aitasa-Veolia
Technical day Aitasa-Veolia.

In the technical sessions fits to stand out the intervention of the representative of the Territorial Service of the Health of Tarragona of the Generalitat, Carme Coll, that has corroborated “the quality of the water regenerated produced in the plant fulfils with the rule, by what his reuse in the industry is entirely safe from a sanitary ware point of view”. Likewise, they have explained experiences of operation of plants, technical solutions and of operation in other places of the world by part of Rafael Mujeriego, president of Asersa. Finally, the Day has had a block devoted to the entrance in force of the directive of industrial broadcasts and his impact for the chemical sector.

The event has finalised with the closure of Jesús Loma-Ossorio, president of the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona (Aeqt), the one who has stood out that “without needing water, the industry bets for turning into saving the extra cost that represents the demineralisation of the water that have to do the companies, what improves the competitiveness”, a fact that “contributes to the technological development and of the territory”.

By his part the director of the Catalan Agency of the Water, Jordi Agustí, has closed the session congratulating to the organisers and assistants by the interest “in the new technology of future, since the manufacture of water supposes that the water is not a factor that limit the growth”.

The Station Regeneradora of Water of the Camp of Tarragona, situated in terrains annexes to the debugger of Vila -dry and Salou, is a project promoted by the Catalan Agency of the Water jointly with Aitasa for the companies of the Aeqt, and funded largely by European bottoms, that from finals of 2012 is catering of water regenerated to these industries.

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