Schlüter Systems, S.L. -

Schlüter Liprotec

You throw of lighting LED: they install on profiles bearers manufactured in aluminium of high quality

Picture of You throw of lighting LED
Profiles for ceramics, a system, that offers the possibility to architects and owners, to design with light his own environingingments. All this, with the quality tested of the products Schlüter Systems.

A good lighting, is an important criterion to create spaces of welfare. A too intense light or cold, often can result unpleasant. With the profiles LED Schlüter Liprotec can adapt of individual form the lighting of a stay to the needs of each person. With the use of throw them LED, in place of the traditional lights, creates an effect of lighting especially homogéneo. Like this the user can choose between direct and indirect light, natural sunlight, soft lightings for areas of rest or environingingments with colour, being able to do reality all his ideas of design with the modern technician of lighting LED.

You throw them LED are special manufactures, that fulfil with the high requirements of quality of Schlüter Systems. You throw them Led are resistant and are entirely sealed. They fulfil with the degree of protection IP65, being his apt use for humid zones. Besides they are perfectly protected, since they install on profiles bearers manufactured in aluminium of high quality. Another advantage for the installer is, that throw them LED can cut to the measure wished, without that the cuttings affect to the classification IP65. In case of deterioration, can change throw them subsequently. The profiles install of simple form with cement tail during the process of placing of the ceramics.

Versatile installation:

Thanks to five intelligent geometries, the profiles can adapt to numerous situations of installation:

- Singings of podiums and encimeras

-Lighting of zócalos.

- You finish lit of coatings in walls and baldosas of zócalos.

- Retroiluminación Of decorative elements in walls.

- Luminous freamers of decorative objects and mirrors.

To facilitate a handle simple and confortable, the system has of the most modern technician of regulation by means of remote control, what avoids the wiring of the switch for the profiles. The embellecedores of the switches, are manufactured with glass of high quality or stainless steel brushed. With the switches no only can light and turn off the light, but also regulate his intensity of individual form. The model of switch of seven channels, facilitates the individual control of throw them LED, since it allows to regulate the temperature of colour of the LED white, as well as the LED of colour RGB.

Therefore, with the profiles LED Schlüter Liprotec can create of simple form a durable lighting and of high quality, with the installation of the profiles in situations very diverse. The complete range of accessories of the system, will guarantee that all the individual components are perfectly connected between if, to achieve an effective lighting by means of the saving of energia. Also they exist sets complete and practical for the lighting of freamers and decorative elements in walls.