Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Deco

You finish decorative for floors: for the creation of decorative boards

Picture of You finish decorative for floors
Schlüter-Deco Is a profile with a visible width of 6 mm for a decorative design of boards in ceramic coatings, that in addition to the usual requirements regarding functionality likewise have to satisfy some high exigencias regarding design and aesthetic.

Schlüter-Deco Is likewise ideal like profile of finish and like separation of different types of coatings.

Schlüter-Deco No only attributes a decorative effect to a ceramic coating, but protects likewise the singings of the baldosas ceramic of possible mechanical aggressions.

Schlüter-Deco Is available in brass (-M), brass cromadoacero (-MC), stainless steel (-And), aluminium (-To) and matt natural aluminium anodizado (-AE).

In determinate cases has to check the idoneidad of the type of material according to the chemical or mechanical aggressions expected.

Schlüter-Deco-M of brass is resistant to practically all the chemical products, that usually use in combination with ceramic coatings.

Schlüter-Deco-MC is especially ideal for coatings, e.g. in combination with the grifería cromada in bathrooms. The visible surfaces have to protect of abrasions. Has to delete of immediate form rests of mortar of rejuntado or cement-tail.

Schlüter-Deco-And is manufactured of throw of sheet of stainless steel, V2To (material 1.4301), what comports one some variation in the structure of the profile with regard to the versions of brass and aluminium extruido. The stainless steel is highly resistant to mechanical aggressions and especially ideal for those fields, that require a high resistance to chemical products.

In the case of Schlüter-Deco-To of aluminium is recommended to check his idoneidad in those cases in that it foresees a chemical aggression. The aluminium is sensitive to the alcaline substances.

Schlüter-Deco-AE Of aluminium anodizado presents a matt surface thanks to his layer anodizada, that under some normal conditions of use does not experience changes. The surface has to protect of abrasive objects or that they can rayarla.