Iverna 2000, S.L. - Ventilation and extraction systems for manholes and inspection conduits


Team of autonomous portable ventilation: for the extraction equipment equipment of air contaminated and of toxic gases of pozos and manifolds

Picture of Team of autonomous portable ventilation
Iverna 2000 has developed Motovent, a team of autonomous portable ventilation for the extraction equipment equipment of air contaminated and of toxic gases of pozos and manifolds. This team is conceived so much for vaciar as to fill up the environingingment in pozos, manifolds of waters and of waste, as well as to facilitate the work to the operarios and avoid like this any risk of intoxication or demise.

It is instrumented with manerales folding, 3 wheels antipinchazo and brakes that facilitate the trip. The motorisation is optional and can mount autonomous motors of petrol, diesel and electrical. These motors have a mechanics developed by Deep that works so much to 4 as to 2 times, developing a maximum power of 5,5 kW to 3.600 rpm. The Motovent has a maximum discharge of extraction equipment equipment and of impulsión that goes from the 6.500 m3/h until the 11.000 m3 /h.