Schlüter Systems, S.L. -

Schlüter Kerdi-Shower

Systems for showers: to level of floor

Picture of Systems for showers
The signature Schlüter Systems presents SchlüterR –Kerdi-Shower, a system modulate for the construction of showers to level of floor with baldosas ceramic, that explains between his components with panels of shower, set of impermeabilización and drain.

SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower Is a system modulate for the construction of showers to level of floor with baldosas ceramic. Can combine with four distinct measures of panels of slope (optionally with panels of compensation) and sets for the impermeabilización of walls and drains.

The measures of base of this system are 90x90 cm, 100x100 cm, 120x120 cm, 150x150 cm, and besides, by means of slots premarcadas can adapt the panels prefabricated easily for his installation in round showers. The modules of SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower characterise by his especially simple manipulation and safe.


SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower-T is a signpost of shower with a slope >2% for the direct coating with ceramics in showers to level of floor. It is prepared for the installation of the drain SchlüterR-Kerdi-Drain-Basic. The signpost mounts simply in two pieces to guarantee a comfortable transport and a simple manipulation.

SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower-TC Is a signpost, that besides combines with a signpost of compensation for the installation of the boat of exit and the pipe of drain.

SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower-SK Is a set of impermeabilización for showers to level of floor. It contains SchlüterR-Kerdi 200, as well as the corresponding special pieces for inner corners and steps of pipe. Besides, the set contains the band SchlüterR-Kerdi-Keba, a drain SchlüterR-Kerdi-Drain-Basic, as well as the adhesive raincoat SchlüterR-kerdi-Coll.

SchlüterR-Kerdi-Drain -Basic is a drain of an especially low height, apt for a conventional installation in recrecidos of mortar or in dishes of shower to level of the floor made by the panels SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower.


simple and safe Installation:

The boat of exit is accessible during the setting to the pipe of drain.

The slope is incorporated in the signpost SchlüterR-Kerdi-Shower.

The drain SchlüterR-Kerdi-Drain with cymbal guarantees the safe connection to the impermeabilización of the shower.

The rejilla is regulable for heights between 3-15 mm and apt for the distinct thicknesses of material as, for example, mosaic vitricado, natural stone, ceramic or coatings in thin layer.

The signpost SchlüterR-kerdi-Shower can use for rectangular and round showers.

Very low height of construction:

The height of the signpost of compensation is of 60 mm.

The height of the signpost of slope (according to format) is of 32-40 mm.

Can arrive to an inferior height to 100 mm without coating.

Low height of construction and easy cleaning by the direct location of the sifón inside the frame of the rejilla.

It is not necessary the use of panels of compensation in case to use boats of vertical exit. In this case it can arrive to heights of construction even more low (32-40 mm + material coating).