Nordair, S.A. - Suction adapters

Nordair Serie U

Suction adapters Universal: for machinery of grease and circuits of steam

Picture of Suction adapters Universal
The suction adapters universal of the series Or of Nordair are a type of system used for the conexionado of metallic pipe (copper, aluminium, etc.).

In the conexionado of plastic pipe is necessary the insertion of an inner reinforcement to facilitate the attack of the bicono.

They are built according to norm Din 2353, to similarity of the suction adapters for high pressesure, and incorporate a ring bicono or of double edge that with tighten of the nut deforms biting the pipe and producing the estanqueidad suitable.

They are manufactured in brass OT58 and entirely niquelados, excepting the ring of tighten with the end that his deformation was correct.

The setting consists in the insertion of the nut and the corresponding ring in the previously cut tube, entering the same until the bottom of the body of the racor and roscando the nut until it produce the deformation of the sharp ring.

Used in machinery of grease and in circuits of steam.