Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter ECK-K /-KHK /-KI

Profiles of stainless steel: to protect the corners of walls with coatings ceramic

Picture of Profiles of stainless steel
Schlüter-ECK-K Is a profile of stainless steel for the back placing in external corners of baldosas ceramic or other types of coatings. The profile provides an excellent protection to those singings subjected to mechanical aggressions, as in industrial kitchens, slaughterhouses and hospitals. Of this form cover the dilapidated singings, what avoids the change of the baldosas damaged. The profile Schlüter-ECK-K for external corners can combine with the profiles of half cane of stainless steel Schlüter-EHK for inner corners between walls and Schlüter-HKS like escocia for deliveries of floor to wall.

Schlüter-ECK-KHK Is a profile of half cane of stainless steel for the back placing in inner corners of baldosas ceramic or other types of coatings. Of this form cover the dilapidated corners or badly delivered, what avoids his repair.

Schlüter-ECK-K/KHK Are especially ideal for zones with high exigencias hygienic, where to part of a good aesthetic, requires an easy cleaning, as in hospitals, industrial kitchens, white rooms, lavanderías and in the alimentary industry.

Schlüter-ECK-KI Is a profile of stainless steel for the back placing in inner corners of baldosas ceramic or other types of coatings. To part of a good aesthetic, the profile covers the dilapidated corners or badly delivered, what avoids his repair.

Schlüter-ECK-K / -KHK / -KI Is manufactured in stainless steel of the class 1.4301 -V2To (AISI 304). Schlüter-ECK-K Also is available in stainless steel of the class 1.4404-V4To (AISI 316L). The profiles are formed by means of the procedure of fimbriated by rollers. The surface of the profile is recubierta with a protective film.