Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter ECK-E

Profiles of stainless steel: to protect the corners in walls with revestimiento ceramic

Picture of Profiles of stainless steel
Schlüter-ECK-And is a profile nosing to protect the corners of the walls with revestimiento of baldosas, providing an excellent protection to those singings that see subjected to a strong wear as, for example, the ones of industrial kitchens, slaughterhouses, toilets and hospitals.

The external surface of the profile forms an external corner simétricamente rounded of the revestimiento of baldosas. Beside the good protection of the singings against the mechanical aggressions attains likewise a clean and decorative finishing of the corners of the walls.

Schlüter-ECK-And is especially ideal for those spaces higiénicamente sensitive in which, apart from a good appearance, also requires an easy cleaning, as for example in hospitals, industrial kitchens, barren zones, areas of lavandería and in the industry of manipulation of foods. Schlüter-ECK-And in his function of profile for external corners can combine with the profiles of half cane of stainless steel Schlüter-DilexeHK for inner corners and Schlüter-Dilex-EHKS like terminación for the angles that form floor and wall.

Schlüter-ECK-And is available in stainless steel of the quality 1.4301-V2To (AISI 304), as well as in the quality 1.4404-V4To (AISI 316L), moldeado by means of the procedure of fimbriated by rollers from sheet in format of strip, realising a series of perforaciones trapezoidal in the wing of fixation. The visible parts of the profile go recubiertas with a protective film.

Schlüter-ECK-And is highly resistant to mechanical aggressions and especially ideal for those fields, that require a high resistance to chemical products and acids.