Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Trep-E

Profiles of ladders: for ladders antideslizantes

Picture of Profiles of ladders
Schlüter-Trep-And is a profile for ladders of stainless steel antideslizante for the creation of safe and decorative ladders. Can apply in ladders of baldosas ceramic or of natural stone, as well as with thin coatings from a thickness of 2 mm. It is especially indicated for ladders with a high traffic peatonal, as, for example, in offices or public buildings.

Schlüter-Trep-And is a variant without wing of fixation that has to hit to the stair. This profile is apt for the back installation in ladders with the dilapidated singings to avoid the replacement of the baldosas damaged. Schlüter-Trep-And protects the singings of the ladders and offers a high degree of hygiene by his relief antideslizante (Certificate of essays BIA, Group R 10 V6) and his good optical perception. Like accessory are available caps for the finish.

Schlüter-Trep-And is manufactured in stainless steel of the quality 1.4301 (V2To) or 1.4404 (V4To), outlining bands by means of a system of rollers and drilling the wing of fixation in shape of trapezes. Schlüter-Trep-EK Is manufactured in stainless steel of the quality 1.4301 (V2To).

The use of Schlüter-Trep-And is especially indicated for applications with high mechanical and chemical aggressions, as for example, in those zones where employs products of aggressive cleaning. According to the chemical aggressions expected can choose between a stainless steel of the classes 1.4301 or 1.4404.