Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Quadec, Rondec-E, Schiene, Trep-E

Profiles: for thin coatings

Picture of Profiles
For many years Spain stands out by his manufacture of ceramic coatings in big formats. Now the baldosas no only every time are bigger, but also thinner. The company Schlüter-Systems offers a wide range of profiles especially developed for baldosas ceramic super-thin.

Schlüter-Quadec Is a profile of finish of high quality of aluminium lacado in colour or aluminium anodizado for external corners of walls and finish with baldosas ceramic, that offers a good protection to the singings of baldosas. The surface dress of the profile forms an external corner squared with the ceramic coatings. Schlüter-Quadec Is available in heights from 4,5 mm in 10 distinct finishings in aluminium anodizado, as well as in 7 distinct colours in aluminium lacado, especially designed in harmonía with the tones of ceramics more usual. Together with these products

Schlüter-Systems offers other profiles, that are apt for his use in combination with baldosas or other thin coatings:

Schlüter-Rondec-And (from 4,5 mm) is a profile simétricamente rounded for external corners of walls and finish in distinct finishings of steel inox.

Schlüter-Schiene (From 2 mm) is a special profile for the finish of the singings of ceramic coatings, that also can apply very well in combination with other materials of coating. His separador of boards causes a board homogénea of 1,5 mm between the profile and the ceramics. With Schlüter-Dilex-EKSB (from 2,5 mm)

Schlüter-Systems offers a profile of board of movement with protection for the singings of the coatings and other thin systems for the coating of pavimentos. The board composes of two lateral profiles of steel inox., joined by a flexible zone no changeable of PVC soft.

And also for ladders with thin coatings there is a solution, Schlüter-Trep-And is a profile of stair of steel inox. With a relief especially antideslizante and in heights from 2 mm.