Carboneras Internacional - Feeding systems for machinery

Serie A

Pneumatics feeder

Picture of Pneumatics feeder
The pneumatics feeders series To of G.P.To. Italian, for delicate materials, answer gives the exigencias of the competitiveness, practicidad in the utilisation and speed in the change of troquel.

The dimensions reduced, the simplified and fast connections of control and the possibility of direct setting in the troquel are the main characteristics of the feeders series To, that complement the models AN and ANM.

Available for maximum widths of material of 40, 60 and 100 mm, with the possibility to select the type of control: mechanic, electrical or tyre.

In case to work with troquel with centrador, is possible to install a kit that allows the complete release of the material of the mordazas of the feeder during the phase of pressesing.