Schlüter Systems, S.L. - End profiles

Schlüter Dilex-BT

Metallic boards of separation: for zones subjected to a strong mechanical wear

Picture of Metallic boards of separation
Schlüter-Dilex-BT Is a profile of structural board of aluminium without need of maintenance. The profile is conceived so that the wings of lateral fixation can anchor in the layer of cement underneath of the revestimiento of baldosas or natural stone or to use another type of material of revestimiento, as for example moqueta or synthetic floors, can integrate in the layer of solado.

In this way the profile can follow the movements of the structure of the revestimiento. The existence of a central piece acoplable scrollable makes possible the absorption of movements of ± 5 mm. The forms articulated lateral allow a three-dimensional absorption of the movement.

Schlüter-Dilex-BT Provides an effective protection to the singings of those floors that bear an important traffic peatonal or of carts and other vehicles of industrial use. By all this are ideal for, for example, be used in ships of storage or production, shopping centres, airports, stations of railway industry, subterranean parkings or for floors that are cleaned with machines.

With the variant of profile Schlüter-Dilex BT/ Or is possible to realise boards of separation that discurran by in front of surfaces of wall and with the profile Schlüter-Dilex-BTS is possible to effect an a posteriori setting in coatings already existent. Of the same way is possible to integrate the profiles in surfaces of walls and ceilings manufactured with Pladur or in surfaces of enlucido or of baldosas.

Schlüter-Dilex-ABT Is a profile manufactured in aluminium whose idoneidad will have to analyse previously if it foresees that it have to confront to aggressions of chemical type.

Schlüter-Dilex-AEBT Manufactured with aluminium anodizado shows a surface refinada been due to the layer anodizada that, in normal conditions of use, does not suffer alterations The surface will have to protect of those objects that can limarla or rasparla.