Endress y Hauser, S.A. - Probes, sensors, switches and level transmitters

Endress+Hauser Serie Micropilot

Level meters by radar: for measurement of level without contact in liquids and solids granulated

Picture of Level meters by radar

The measurement of level by microwaves is a safe solution in conditions of extreme process (pressesure and temperature) and in presence of sequipment and dust. The series of instruments Micropilot represents the most important part of the current range of level meters by radar.

Endowed of hardware and software developed according to the norm IEC 61508 for SIL2 (mín./máx./Rank) respectively SIL3 (redundancy homogénea), this range of measurers offers the maximum hygiene of the process been due to trazabilidad multi-echo. It offers a measurement no invasiva without wear neither desgarraduras, by what can use in conditions of extreme process.

The steam and the surroundings pulverulentos do not affect to the measurement. Besides, it is a method of measurement sure in containers of variable products.

They offer a reliable measurement thanks to a dynamics improved of the intensity of the signals.

Do click in the link for more information on the series of level meters Micropilot.

Video of caudalímetros electromagnetic: see video.