Tama Ibérica, S.L. - Cartridge filters

Tama Kompac-Air Bag-in Bag-out

Filters of cartridges: for the leak of fine dust and impalpable

Picture of Filters of cartridges
The use of the filter “Kompac-Air Bag-in Bag-out” with cleaning by means of retro washed Presses-Jet finds a vast field of application for the leak of fine dust and impalpable. It is widely used, no only because of his versatility (is to modulate) and practicidad of use, but also by his relation quality/price. The extraction equipment equipment Bag-in / Bag-out allows the easy extraction equipment equipment of the cartridges without need to go in in contact with these. This particular type of extraction equipment equipment requires when the dust treated is toxic and the personnel of the maintenance by obvious reasons does not have to go in in contact with the same.

The doors of inspection are substituted by an only cylindrical door by cartridge, enroscadas with a specific knob. To the outside of this knob is mounted a languito of 250 mm of long roughly, in which it splices takes it out of collected of the cartridge; finally one covers no tight covers part of the languito and takes it out that it contains. The extraction equipment equipment of these cartridges can effect following two different procedures according to the degree of dangerousness of the contaminante present.

All the units filtrantes supplied by Tama are satisfied to the directive 98/37/CE and can be instrumented with systems of protection in accordance with the managerial ATEX 94/9/CE.