IFM Electronic, S.L. - Rotary encoders (rotary and angle transducers)

Encóders: incremental, absolute, monovuelta and multivuelta

Picture of Encóders
In a lot of processes of manufacture and production, the encoders are indispensable like transductores effective in tasks of positioning of extreme precision. They transform movements of rotation in digital signals.

The encoders work by means of photoelectric detection without wear. For this have of a disk graduated that is subject firmly in the axis.

The encoders incremental generate an exactly defined number of impulses by revolution. These indicate the measure of the angular and linear distance visited. The disk graduated is divided in transparent or opaque segments had of alternative form. A led issues a do luminous oriented simultaneously that lights the segments of the disk graduated. In this way, a series of fotocélulas receive the light modulated and turn it into sinusoidal signals. By means of an electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of digitalisation the signals amplify and turn into rectangular impulses that issue through the wire controller to the exit. Because of the trip of phase between the signals To and B (of roughly 90 degrees), can analyse the sense of rotation.

The encoders absolute generate an absolute value encoded for each angular position. This value of code is available immediately after the lit. The encoders absolute employ when it has to assign a determinate value to an angular position and when it is necessary to detect the momentary position in case of failure in the electrical network.

The encoders monovuelta divide a mechanical revolution (of 0 to 360 degrees) in a determinate number of steps of measurement. After a revolution, the values of measurement repeat . The maximum number of steps is of 8192. The encoders multivuelta, instead, no only register the angular positions, but they also distinguish between several revolutions.