Carboneras Internacional - C-frame mechanical presses

Mios T-40 FV

Eccentric presses: with crankshaft of steel highly dimensionado

Picture of Eccentric presses
The eccentric presses T-40 FV of Mios, commercialised by Carboneras International, S.L., they are instrumented with frame of sheet of steel soldered and standardised, crankshaft in steel highly dimensionado and group embrague-brake of accionamiento pneumatics.

They have of a complete pneumatics installation with tank, filter, electroválvula of double body with dynamic control, presostato and valve of hygiene. His system of lubricación is automatic and centralised, with discharge regulable. They explain also with a picture of controls with cuentagolpes programmable, a device of levy with indicator of the angle of braked and a protection in opening aluminium total.

They stand out his maximum pressesure of 750 kN, the realisation of 140 hits/min and the power of the engine of 4 kW. They have a career regulable of 5 to 75 mm and the distance between table and sliding is of 330 mm. The depth of the neck of swan is of 205 mm, the step between totals is of 245 mm, the dimensions of the table are 405 x 670 mm and the diameter of the hole of the table is of 120 mm. The dimensions of the base of the sliding are of 155 x 315 mm and the diameter of the hole portatroqueles in sliding is of 38 mm.

These presses have of optional equipments as they are an engine of two speeds, photoelectric barriers, table supletoria protatroqueles, extractor mechanical in the sliding, pneumatics cushion, sure of overloads mechanical and devices of feeding.