Carboneras Internacional - C-frame mechanical presses

Mios Serie T

Eccentric presses: quality of big series

The company MIOS, founded in 1960 by a family of “metallurgists”, and guided by youngsters and emprendedores has gone ploughing with the step of the years, a name inside the world of the presses, already was in the Italian market, as in the international market, turning into a company leader in the sector of the eccentric presses.

In the actuality, the company MIOS develops his activity in some installations of 10.000 m2, keeping constantly a potential production of roughly 800 presses. With these big series obtains a relation quality-price competencialmente unbeatable.

Carboneras International represents from 20 years ago the Italian company MIOS, manufacturer of the worldwide known eccentric presses.

The eight available models have of an equipment of series that details to continuation: a frame of sheet soldered and insonorizado; a crankshaft in steel highly dimensionado; a group embrague-brake of accionamiento pneumatics; dynamic control of the electroválvula of double body; complete pneumatics installation with deposit, filter, electroválvula, presostato of control and valve of hygiene; automatic lubrication centralised with discharge regulable; electrical cupboard of control with cuentagolpes and totalizador; plate supletoria portatroqueles; system of investment of the sense of twist of the engine; box of levy with indicator of the angle of braked; barriers in opening aluminium total. Tiltable frame to 22° for the models of 10, 20 and 40 t. Sliding with 4 and 6 guides to 45° with recolector of oil. Guides of material antifricción. Extractor Mechanical in the sliding. Sure of it overloads mechanical or hydraulics. Gears of steel in bathroom of oil for the models of 75 and 105 t. Cylinders equilibradores of the sliding for the models of 75 and 105 t.

Between the optional accessories of the models has of a variator of speed-inverter, a motovariador, an engine to two speeds, some photoelectric barriers, a table supletoria, a pneumatics cushion, devices of feeding and for the models of 10, 20 and 40 t, an extractor mechanical in the sliding and a safe of overloads mechanical, and for the models of 75 and 105 t, the motorised regulation of the sliding.