Carboneras Internacional - C-frame mechanical presses


Eccentric presses: with structure of double total and neck of swan

Picture of Eccentric presses
Carboneras International matters and distributes for the Spanish market the eccentric presses of the Matt signature. These presses have structure of double total and compact, of sheet electrosoldada and stabilised, optimised by means of analysis of finite elements to foresee the conditions of work more desfavorables. With models of 63 to 350 t, the cinematic group is of simple reduction for the models of 63 and 80 t whereas for the rest is of double reduction, with toothed helicoidal generous and tempered by induction.

It exists besides the possibility to instrument the presses with the system ‘Soft Impact', that allows ralentizar the approximation to the PMI but keeping constant the strength. These presses go instrumented with eight long guides of bronze that guarantee a perfect parallelism between the table and the sliding, even in the conditions more desfavorables. They explain also with embrague-pneumatics brake combined; engine ABB with speed varible; change of semi-automatic career from the botonera of control (with desenganche pneumatics); hydraulics circuit of hygiene against overload them; cylinders equilibradores; PLC Omron; table supletoria with the same dimensions that the fixed table; lubrificación automatic with the recovery of 100% of the oil.

The presses of the Matt signature are provistas of components of the first marks (ABB, Telemecanique, Siemens, Ompi, Herion or Omron). Carboneras Puts to the disposal of his customers a technical service of assistance, with fast answers of a way asistencial or by means of teleservice, that ensure a fast identification and resolution of the problem.