IFM Electronic, S.L. - AC and DC motor controllers


Cebador Of engine: control for motors

Picture of Cebador Of engine
In the first place, the cebador of engine PowerSwitch ACE-i consists of a relay investor for the control of standard motors with current trifásica of 400 V or of other devices with load trifásica.

The second component of the that has is a slave ACE-i with 4 entrances and 4 exits, in addition to a taking SUB-D9 for the connection of a device of manual control.

All the LED of state find in the frontal part, under one covers of transparent plastic and desplegable. In the inferior side, find three connectors Harting for the ramification of the engine and for the supply of 400 V with possibility of connection in loop until the following PowerSwitch. To the another side, in the top find four takings M12 for the connection of external peripherals of entrance/gone out.

The setting effects through the four holes situated in the corners and to which has access by the leading part.

For each level of power, from 0,09 until 2,2 kW, exists a PowerSwitch appropriate with his corresponding protection of engine. The set up of this protection of the engine can review visualmente in the leading part or through ACE-i. In necessary case, also can resetear manually.

From the punto of the master ACE-i, the PowerSwitch operates with 4 bits of information of bisteeringal form. Two bits of exit use for the control of the engine (right / left). There is other two exits of 24 Vcc connected to the takings M12. With the entrance of data the teacher detects if the protection of the engine has been activated. Another of the entrances indicates if it has inserted the device of manual control and, in this way, avoids a reinicio of the system through the PLC. The others two entrances employ for the connection of sensors of 2 or 3 threads.