Tramasa - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ctra. Antigua de Ajalvir, km 2,200, Nave 19 - Parque Empr. Pierre Curie
28806 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑918832569   +34‑918658957  
🖷:  +34‑918829755
Treatment of water, Maintenance and Auxiliary Services

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Tramasa Is a company devoted of exclusive form to the study of the highest technology regarding the different technical for the treatment of the water. His high specialisation plants it in first line in the different sectors of the Industry: Feeding, Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Cosmetic, Biochemical, Centre of Diálisis, Industry in general, etc. In summary Tramasa, is a guarantee in the potabilización of salty waters, water of sea, and in the obtaining of water purificada.

Tramasa Has some human resources with the but high qualification, and but of 35 years of experience working of exclusive form in the engineering of the sector. The dedication of countless hours of study and resolution of specific problems and of general type, have given us an experience that, directed and applied of suitable form, has achieved some results in our equipment of the but high quality, as well as the guarantee of our service post-sale.

Tramasa Has a Department of Engineering, Laboratories of Analysis and own Manufacture for all the equipment that offers, adapting always to the needs of the customer. All the Tasks of Engineering realizar of agreement to the Norm ISO 9.001 for the design, development, manufacture, production, installation, set up, maintenance and marked CE.

In Tramasa the success of our activity supports in the following considerations:
- Study of the circumstances and needs of the user, configuring the solution to his requests, and no to the reverse.
- Application of the current state of the technology, no only in the own of the process, but also in the associated to the same and that suppose a big improvement in the provision of the equipment.
- Effective service post-sale, providing to the user all the technical assistance that require, ensuring the availability of spare parts and consumables, well in punctual performances, or in maintenance programmed.

The CERTIFIED ISO 9001 endorses the quality of our production.