Sotrafa, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Sotrafa, S.A.
Ctra.Nacional 340, Km.416,4 (Aptdo.61)
04700 El Ejido (Almería) Spain
☎:  +34‑950405690   +34‑950405600  
🖷:  +34‑950580233

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.


SOTRAFA, S.A. is a company manufacturer of plates of polyethylene, pertaining to the Group Armando Alvarez, transformative leader of film of polyethylene in the Spanish market, and situated between the first to European level and with an annual production of more than 300.000 tonnes.
Our factory is situated in Almería, and export in the actuality to more than 43 countries, having an experience of more than 30 years in the sector.
In SOTRAFA, ours S.A. activity develops in two slopes, on the one hand contribute in the agricultural development and by another, contribute to the care and environingingmental protection with our geomembranas impermeabilizantes used for a good management of the water, and like insulator of products and waste contaminantes.
We produce a wide range of plastics for agricultural and horticultural use, grazier, construction, and impermeabilización:

- Covered of invernadero and tunnels: thermal sensors sensors (Range TRC and Range Plastermic) and No thermal sensors sensors (Range Aster)
- Double cameras
- Tunelillos (Range Sotraforce)
- Padded (Range Sotrafilm)
- Hidroponía
- Films and stock exchanges for Ensilaje (Range Ecofilm, Greenbag and Siloseal)
- Covered for the child of livestock (Range Sotrabat)
- Plates for impermeabilización of reservoirs, Geomembranas PEAD ALVATECH (smooth and structured), VLDPE and LLDPE, in different thicknesses and especially developed for applications eat: impermeabilización of reservoirs, lakes, deposits, channels, plants of treatment of waters, dumps, estercoleros, tunnels, roads, platforms and reservations of minerals.
We have a system of production by co-multilayered extrusion of last technology that qualifies us for the production of films with thicknesses comprised between 0,013 mm and 3 mm, and widths from 0,5 m until 18,3 m. We are instrumented with sophisticated systems of control of the process that allow us guarantee a constant quality of our products according to norms ISO 9001.