DAGA - Equipos para Medio Ambiente - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
DAGA - Equipos para Medio Ambiente
Crta Manresa 50-60
08280 Calaf (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑670370643   +34‑938680845  
🖷:  +34‑976460728
w:  www.dagaequipment.com
It investigates, it develops and it manufactures skilled equipment for the purification and treatment of the water

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

DAGA - Equipos para Medio Ambiente

Group Dagger investigates, develops and manufactures skilled equipment for the purification and treatment of the water from the year 1965. Leader in his market and with a wide experience in the sector, our aim is to offer to our customers the most reliable solutions chords to his needs and a flawless available service and postventa.

With a spirit of innovation and constant investigation, Dagger works day in day out to satisfy fully the needs of engineers, installers and users of the equipment. Our mission and vision is the loyalty of the customer with us, contributing him knowledges, technical service and equipment of quality like value diferenciador in our sector.
Dagger following with his imparable plan of expansion, has supplied equipment for works of very high level and importance. Proof of this is the diversity of equipment that has installed in the national and international field.

From Dagger try to share and do partícipes of this philosophy to all our collaborators and by extension to our customers.