
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Lo siento, cené pollo al curry

I'm sorry, I dined chicken to the curry

Ibon Linacisoro. Director01/01/2010

1 January 2010

When things go wrong, who is the fault? Anyone who's not. Today no one already exercises of guilty because everything is motivated by something which is beyond our control. If hit, is because I stuck to me, if it goes wrong something under my responsibility will be for anything less for my fault. If, when you think of anything in our company, the clearance of fists and the me that I register is the norm, did not say when things are in dimension macro, as a crisis in a country immersed in a system which influences him head to headfor better and for worse. Then, does this Government we have, is foolish lost and has gotten into this mess he alone or the situation is a bit more complex? The thing is complex, because the fault and especially the feelings of guilt are very complex.

A British referee is committed to ending this event of the absence of guilty and has decided to give a blow on the Bureau to stop this downhill towards the goal of the authority or the may '68,' managed. There is no more than take to the streets to see the weakening generalized in all orders of that authority. They are heroes, however, that they are fighting against this degradation and this is the case of the severe British referee. Very summarized, the case is that a player was cautioned with a yellow card to throw is a fart in the face of the referee during the match between the GOP AFC and Apsley House, Portsmouth Sunday League. The player is bent over to put the ball before launching a lack and, taking advantage of ergonomic posture, burst into the cuesco a short distance from the face of the referee, who was semiagachado, do not ask me why. The collegiate considered this air at the wrong time as a snub and even had "the temptation to show the direct red". However, he softened the heart with the excuse of the footballer: "Sorry;" "I had dinner chicken curry the night before".

And we are back at the beginning. Is there a fault when the body sends about oneself? And extrapolating this to all areas of life, do someone is to blame for something or everything is their destiny, of a hand dark that everything runs or the chicken curry?

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