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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Gonzalo Anguita, Responsable de Calidad y Sostenibilidad de Leroy Merlin
"Demand is still conservative in the Woods, fact that relates to the lack of knowledge"

Interview with Gonzalo Anguita, responsible for quality and sustainability of Leroy Merlin

Nerea Gorriti21/11/2008

First of all is you responsible for quality and sustainability? What refer exactly this 'quality'? Are we speaking of quality management or quality of product?

The quality is a cross-cutting function in the Sales Department of leroy merlin, which is connected with products, packaging, and packaging requirements, and our strategy of selection and evaluation of the performance of suppliers, to guarantee them.

Within the requirements of the products, we consider their technical specifications, including those that will ensure adherence by our suppliers to environmentally friendly practices. It is also very important for us that our suppliers guarantee a rate of service that would ensure the availability of products in the shop in the period of replenishment that we have established.

There are two problems with respect to the wood. Products manufactured with wood of commercial species coming from European countries or not European but with a certain level of development, and those products which are manufactured with tropical timber

Can you define the concept of sustainability for Leroy Merlin? does extent affect the sustainability of the company's business?

Sustainability for Leroy is the form of produce which, by ensuring the needs of our society, not jeopardize meeting the same needs for generations to come.

Leroy Merlin has developed a new way to interact with their environment in the commercial operations of our facilities will be known soon. This work is done by the direction of expansion and development of the company.

Social commitment is part of the concept of 'sustainable'?

To view our any production process that does not have a social dimension, can be described as sustainable. The relationship that any society has with its environment and its resources, and the way it uses, is essential to achieve the accession of practices to ensure sustainability.

By way of example, Leroy Merlin promotes forest certification through the FSC scheme, which has an important social dimension, both in his scheme of Government and in the form of exercise logging practices.


According to Daniel Toca, responsible for the garden of the company, "the Spaniards can get wasting by misuse, close to 100 cubic are of water a year,"the equivalent of 500 football stadiums filled with"." Are we really aware of the value of the water? Is increasingly committed to environmentally friendly society?

Spaniards are not yet aware of the value of the water and this will change when its price will correspond to the European average. But in general we can say that a change in attitude there is although the penchant for green is sometimes more a question of trend that consciousness.

That is why the role of the distribution companies is vital, because our main task is the serve of pedagogy, commitment and awareness-raising, as well as facilitate consumer products and alternative solutions contributing to creating more sustainable homes. In short, provide our customers with products and solutions that contribute to being accomplices and protagonists of the commitment of society by reducing the consumption of basic resources.

As for the FSC certificate, what commitment has acquired Leroy Merlin and what type of products sold?

Leroy Merlin signed an agreement with WWF Adena already two years ago, to find ways of collaboration that could move forward in our commitment, more and more products of wood or wood products certified at our linear. Made it through a work of awareness-raising and negotiation with our suppliers, also of joint participation in business missions, forums and seminars in the field of wood, and active dissemination of our commitment to the media.

There are two problems with respect to the wood clearly differentiated. Products manufactured with wood of commercial species coming from European countries or not European but with a certain level of development, and those products which are manufactured with tropical timber.

The first is easier, although not in all cases, Subscribe to sustainable forestry practices such as the FSC standard. As an example of products marketed with these woods we have all our products for the exterior of the home, such as tiles of wood of pine and spruce, the pergolas, fences, the lattices, and the poles. Also many references of laminate floors, friezes, ribbons and accessories, kitchen wardrobe, some references management cabinets. Also joining these Woods certified in other products which contain wood. Two examples are handles some references of hand tools, portable gas BBQ.

Examples of products made with certified wood of tropical forest are some references of Venetian blinds, and where the summer garden, some references of garden furniture campaign. We are working to expand our range in these woods, which is much more difficult task.

Does that evolution can be seen in the habit of purchase of the customer of Leroy Merlin?

It is too early to answer such a response, also the attitude of our customers towards the environment not part currently in our system of measurement of the level of satisfaction, and the relationship it has with their purchasing habits.

Leroy Merlin, in addition, information available in retail outlets and counters in its stores, as well as commercial advice and recommendations to the client… what policies of sustainability develops Leroy Merlin?

There is a plan for purchases of products (we have cited the example of water and forest certification in previous question), that allow to address the needs in the home from an ecological perspective. This policy of Leroy Merlin allows on the one hand to develop a new supply chain that provides opportunities for our customers to have a more equitable relationship with their environment, and on the other, and through our communication policy to clients that will be known shortlyallows you to spread our message clearly to the whole society.

Can you give examples of sustainable and 'green' products marketed Leroy Merlin?

There are many products that meet needs in the home from an ecological perspective. In the near future will be issued our communication guide customers, although they basically are structured on four concepts:

• Renewable energy: facilities to take advantage of wind and solar energy.

• Energy efficiency: technology Inverter air conditioning, programmers of light and movement detectors.

• The water savings: have been described already in other previous question.

• Healthy life: ranges of paintings with European eco-label, textile without chemicals, either certified wood products.

From left to right...
From left to right: Felix Romero, forest officer, WWF/Adena, Gonzalo Anguita, responsible for quality and sustainability of Leroy Merlin and Pilar Gegúndez camera, head of the service of environment and environment of Lafarge cement, S.A.

In the wood, what kind of wood are which most commercialized? and the more demands?

We have much more representation in our products of woods such as pine or FIR, and these are therefore the most sold.

There is much variety of tropical timber: jatoba, merbau, teak, acacia, ipé, etc. The demand is still conservative in the Woods, fact that relates to the lack of knowledge.

They use recyclable materials?

All DM, and particulate such as MDF or HDF boards contain sawdust and shavings of wood which are by-products that take advantage. This is a way to recycle wood that otherwise would be destroyed.

Is there no clear trend in the wood sector? From the point of view of the type of wood or the treatments that are submitted.

The selection of products of wood or derivatives that we put in our stores is very varied. In that regard it distinguishing the more technical products that meet more specific needs of other decorative, where trends in design and décor styles vary each season.

The commercial operation of Leroy Merlin stores, is very dynamic and always oriented to the demands of its customers.

Have they seen a greater volume of clients interested in DIY?

Since then, took months of relaunch of the Leroy Merlin Club already 100,000 partners and have not yet been implemented in all stores. The forecast is that in 2009 there are 350,000. In addition, the influx into our classrooms and give more and more.

Is a person interested in the type of wood that acquires DIY client?

Although we have not identified that concern in the majority of our customers, we have entered into a commitment to educate our clients through the labelling of products, the beaconing information and informative panels, as well as the teaching guide that I mentioned earlier. This communication plan will be applied in the short term in our centre of Gandia and the rest of our centres from next year.

What kind of treatment has been the wood?

Treatments vary and depend on the use that is going to give to the product. Our European wood products meet European standards. The tropical Woods are often resistant to attack by insects and fungi, and do not require such treatment. Drying programmes are also diverse.

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