
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Pocas luces excitonas

Few lights excitonas

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/05/2007
People with few lights has become owner of the world, there is no more than look around. But in the plastics industry, excuse the lack of modesty, have more lights than usual, but we excitamos just enough. The good thing with plastics is that they leave plenty of room for creativity. They can shape so easily, the imagination and the courage as some success factors for companies engaged in the transformation of plastics. More now that, with the fashion of Asian competition, normal things makes them either. We must engage in weird stuff, or at least complicated things. Otherwise means entering into a price war which we do not know where it is. We must be many lights to survive successfully. And meditating about it were, with the look lost, when we learned of an international research project, funded in part by the European Union, which has located an interesting invention: electronic displays that could revolutionize lighting. A thin film of plastic, which conducts electricity and solar energy, could form the basis of a revolution in the way that light up our homes and designing clothes. Researchers are studying ways to produce OLED mass ('organic emitting diodes light' that are already in use as a screen of some mobile phones and players MP3), devices that could have very deep technological implications, because among other things could make possible more efficient lighting equipment. As these devices are thin and flexible, it could be incorporated lighting and electronic to any material displays, so that the clothing and packaging could display electronic information. Clothing whose colour changes just press a button? Cans of beer please provide information on the latest football results? This polymer has no end. And it is easy to understand: the polymer in question is made from chains of molecules and is called organic because the carbon content. Electrons and holes injected into the polymer film form bound States called excitons that break by subjecting them to electric current, process during which emit light. More clear, the water. The OLED take advantage of the discovery that some polymers have the unusual property of transforming electricity into light or vice versa, as the device is designed. What really interests us today are not the excitons, which also, nor that anyone can become already person announcement excitona, shirts, jackets or pants that embody messages vetetuasaberdequé, but at the root of all thissomeone with many lights has decided that this is possible.

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