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In order to promote the environmental integration of the productive area within the territory in which sits

Sodercan publishes a guide to landscape integration for the polygons cantabri

Source: Group Sodercan30/11/2010

November 30, 2010

The Government of Cantabria is focusing its efforts on developing a network of large bags of soil, well connected with quality, adapting their features to the new needs of employers. The floor area of Group Sodercan (Sican and PCTCan), from that perspective, develops its management of a new concept: the Business Park, in contrast to overcome within industrial estate. Promoting business parks means that infrastructure and endowments of the productive areas comply with quality requirements, with standards of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency, advanced services for companies, in addition to, as he has alreadya vital strategic location built into their next urban and rural environment.
'Landscape integration of industrial parks guide' and business parks in Cantabria, promoted by Sican, S.L. under the direction of Miriam Garcia Garcia and Eduardo Delgado Orusco has been published under these guidelines.

And assures Victor Valley Soto, director-general of the Group Sodercan area of soil in the introduction to this guide: "Must be capable of generating scenery away from the prejudices and the neglect of other times that relate the industry with the noise"the smoke and the visual impact. "However, today more than ever, industry is of social welfare and image it must meet new quality demands arising from socio-economic environments more competitive". This guide is an innovative contribution because it does not impose more urban and normative instruments. "It's offer previous thoughts that can influence the final decision to plan, build and maintain a Business Park".

Aerial view of the industrial park of Las Navas...
Aerial view of the industrial park of Las Navas. According to the Guide, its image must meet the new demands of quality arising from more competitive socio-economic environments.

10,000,000 square feet for 2011

In Cantabria, the floor area of the Sodercan group is responsible for promoting the business public land on the basis of a strategy designed by the Government of the autonomous community. The two public capital companies that make up the area of soil are: Industrial ground de Cantabria (Sican) and management company of the Science Park and Tecnológico de Cantabria (PCTCan). The objective, after the implementation of the strategy, is to generate 7 million square metres of ground business, to add to the 3 million already executed, to reach 10 million square metres available to companies for the year 2011. The creation of business floor is designed around large 'areas integral strategic productive', of a supramunicipal basis and that they develop through singular projects of Regional interest (PSIR).

Final step in the implementation of this policy was the adoption of the law of Cantabria 2/2004 of 27 September, on the shoreline Management Plan (POL). This standard defines and limits these actions integrals strategic productive (AIEP). The POL has as main objective the effective and comprehensive protection of the coast of Cantabria, but also includes the promotion of productive activity and the generation of wealth and employment identifying these areas. In this way, and although at territorial level the industry and the strategic planning converge on the objective of establishing effective areas from the point of view of economic activity also must do so from the point of view of environmental quality and landscape integration.

The generation of public enterprise land in Cantabria has given shape to the logistical corridor Industrial, communicating with the Bay of Santander Besaya

On the other hand, the strategy of generation of public enterprise land in Cantabria has shaped another important figure: the Industrial logistics corridor, which connects the region of the Besaya with the Santander Bay, forming a sequence of major business areasboth communicated by motorway (A-67 and A-8) and train (Feve and Renfe), and flowing into the port and airport of Santander. The Corridor comprises a succession of business areas: Besaya (Reocín) Business Park, Business Park Tanos-Viérnoles PSIR AIEP Piélagos-Villaescusa, the Llano Pasiega PSIR and business park of Marina and Medio Cudeyo 2nd phase, in the limit of the corridor. The norm is to promote these areas through the creation of instrumental societies ad hoc to facilitate and expedite its implementation.

The availability of infrastructure of new technologies, such as the so-called broadband, or the impulse to the creation of entities of conservation for the optimal maintenance of the common elements are two valid examples of the level of demand in the public sector in the generation of high added value business floor. This business land of quality was not currently consists only of the land, equipment, infrastructure and services. Also accurate in landscape and environmental integration of the productive area within the territory in which sits, and in this regard the Government of Cantabria exceeds the requirements set by the law. By Sican, there are four particularly significant examples that looks at the Guide: three of them (Marina and Medio Cudeyo 2nd phase, Alto Asón and Castro Urdiales 1st phase) by the advanced state of execution of works, even in the case of Besayaare already operating and allowing, thus, evaluate some of the concepts referred to in the Guide.

The business park of Navy and half Cudeyo, 2nd phase

The free spaces of public use (ELUP) and the areas of landscape conditioning (AAP) represent 26,74% of the total area of the Marina PSIR and Medio Cudeyo. These public spaces are intended for parks, gardens and public areas for leisure and recreation. They are also public use lands that contribute to the integration and landscape performance conditioning. These ELUP have been distributed according to the functional characteristics of the permitted uses, forming facade to the parks of activity spaces, creating recreational and public use areas, integrating apples urbanized with the surrounding space and reducing the environmental impact of the activity parks.

The ELUP also resolved differences in height between the platforms of the areas of activity for outstanding juvenile in the layout of the road domestic and protect the natural edge spaces, even more so when the scope of the PSIR sits in direct relation to the Marsh, with the Bank of the River Refriego, the Tijero River and adjacent mountain areas. Both the ELUP and the AAP install plant displays between these spaces and tree species will be planted to mitigate the Visual impacts and facilitate the landscape integration. The AAP are spaces for public use which fulfil the same functions as the ELUP, but are not subject to the same limitations of use. They are areas for planting and green areas, regardless of the specific status of garden, contributing to improve the landscape and environmental integration of the performance, complementing the spaces intended for leisure.

The treatment of the edges perimeter for the S-10 highway and the national N-635 Road will take place as a green screen of transition between various parks of activity and the means of communication. The treatment of the edges closer to the parks of activity, for its part, will serve as integration in the surrounding non-urbanized areas, as well as landscape protection thereof; ongoing treatments of discontinued green screens which at the same time integrate and protect those areas.

The future business park Marina and Medio Cudeyo is being partially modified to picking up the landscape integration criteria...
The future business park Marina and Medio Cudeyo is being partially modified to picking up the landscape integration criteria.

The PSIR for Marina and Medio Cudeyo has a relationship of supplementary environmental measures for air protection, hydrology, vegetation, landscape protection and energy efficiency, as well as the consumption of resources and the quality of the urban environment. The ideal location for bus stops has been located and pedestrian, bicycle and agricultural itineraries within the field have been defined to encourage sustainable mobility. The percentage of waterproofing of surface parking lots, roads and open spaces, implementing urban sustainable drainage solutions has been through some constructive solutions. Solutions of restoration, revegetation and the necessary measures to minimize the visual intrusion of the urbanization and the future buildings have also been taken. We can thus form a set to present an optimal landscape integration.

The Business Park Besaya, in Reocín

With this park, Sican has implemented value an area average environmentally degraded by the millenary mining activity. The area includes 321,000 square meters of space free for public use, with different species, to facilitate the consistency and the improvement of the visual appearance of the slopes, as well as the creation of a visual display in the limits of the business park. The implementation of infrastructure that separate sewage and rain, and the construction of a lake and an artificial stream of mountain which evacuates the rainwater, help the so-called environmental integration of the field. The Besaya Business Park also has a lane 3.391 m bike and pedestrian path that runs parallel to networks of foreign sanitation (sewage and rain). At the same time, the mountain stream has a channel of 2 kilometres in length with a layout that adapts to the natural staggered. The presence of the arroyo has replaced the use of the traditional channel, strong visual impact and high cost, for an effective and integrated in your territorial environment solution. Energy efficiency in the Business Park Besaya also has a strong role. The installation of renewable energy generation systems reduces energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases. In the Park are present two major systems, such as wind energy and photovoltaics. As the wind it will start an estudio-aplicación of this energy based on a station's measure that gathers data from wind to determine wind efficiency in the area. In addition, a wind turbine from 6 kW of power allows feeding of part of the luminaires for low-power existing in the performance. Solar energy has its place with the photovoltaic plant of 100 kW of power which consists of three structures: a set of 50 kW, located in the southern part of the Park, and two followers of 25 kW located at two roundabouts reserved for infrastructure each.

Aerial view of the business park of the Besaya. This Park has been value an environmentally degraded by the ancient mining area...
Aerial view of the business park of the Besaya. This Park has been value an environmentally degraded by the ancient mining area.

The Alto Asón Business Park

This Park is another example of sustainability and improvement of environmental quality. 46% Of the area is also intended to spaces free for public use and General system of public use. The aim is to ensure the functioning and ecological development of the area, and this has been included in the urbanization project an environmental monitoring program and a project of restoration landscape which includes the empowerment of a strip of Riverside vegetation on the left bank of the River Carranza, with the plant location of a screen or 'filter' that create productive area in order to reduce the visual and acoustic impact. To these actions, we need to add the wording of various environmental studies with the aim of achieving higher standards of quality.

Sican has proposed the maintenance of a free space, such as General system parallel to the River Carranza, 59.842 square meters of surface. This space joined you the 57.111 square meters of space free for public use of the Business Park, which is a total of 116.953 square meters in area of protection of the Carranza River. In the Business Park Alto Asón, to the protection of the environment is added the protection of the cultural and architectural heritage. This concurrency is embodied in the protection of the environment of the Hermitage of San Juan, a religious building in the Gothic style dated to late 15th century. The exterior of the chapel will be treated with the objective of maintaining harmony with the building. In addition, during the clearance of land and the creation or adaptation of vials, a careful and prescriptive archaeological follow-up is underway.

Other corrective and compensatory measures will be the restoration of an incipient remaining in the CA-150, the improvement of existing barriers in the Asón river, the withdrawal of leads in funds, and the placement of informational and informative panels for visitors.

Infographic of the business park of the Alto Asón. The realization of the Park involves the improvement and value of the Bank...
Infographic of the business park of the Alto Asón. The realization of the Park involves the improvement and value of the Bank.

The Business Park, Castro Urdiales, 1st phase

The holding company that promotes this park has signed an agreement with Sámano neighborhood Board for environmental recovery of a strip of protection of more than 11 hectares in the Santullán Peña, just on the edge of the outer perimeter of the Park. While Sámano is an area of intense human action, is detected on the rock the presence of various birds, and species to preserve as the Egyptian vulture, the Peregrine and Vulture. Expected seasonal contribution of food in way overlapped for a couple of Egyptian vultures, which will help to fix its breeding territory during the phase of implementation and the beginning of productive activity. In this strip, closes the area where nesting birds, by regulating the sport climbing, and placing two booths integrated in the landscape in an area of ringing, disclosure and count of great ornithological interest. Through a cabin or block livestock, as an interpretive center, an Observatory of rock species belonging to the environment of the cliff of Vallegón will be created. The possible impact on light pollution that can affect the animal species susceptible to the same will be discussed and will be an inventory of bats, birds of night and similar prey throughout the area. Electric supply lines will also be considered to minimize the impacts by shock or electrocution.

The field will be replanted with native shrubs and tree species for a leafy forest with special attention to the vernacular typology, on whose guarantee of genetic origin will undergo a strict surveillance. Special mention deserves the reforestation in the area of the Santullán Peña with copies of Cantabrian Holm oak forest. There will be a perimeter closing around the field, it will prevent possible uncontrolled fires and grazing. The cultural facet also has a place with the project of empowerment of a network of educational tours to the vestiges of the cántabro-romano castro that crowns the peña in value. The didactic vocation of this performance will be supplemented with the placement of information panels about the history of the castro.

Business Park of Castro Urdiales (1st phase). The development of this park leads the environmental recovery of more than 11 has of land in the Santullán Peña.

To illustrate the vocation of sustainability that Sican had wanted to print the Park, the Guide gives some significant data regarding forest management: within the limits of the Business Park, more than 40% of the surface is destined to free spaces for public use. The area (69.933 m2) parkland, is higher than the intended for productive activities (66.599 square meters). The State of conservation of the Tabernillas stream will be improved, eliminating invasive plant species (eucalyptus, dusters and acacias), as well as the conservation of all area mountain streams. After an initial phase of cleaning, will be created the conditions necessary for the effective recovery of a naturalized riparian forest, composed of native species (Alders, willows or ash). An ecological corridor will connect the Northern to the southern part of the Business Park, bordering the foothills of the Santullán Peña.


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