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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Napisa: “Debería haber más actuaciones institucionales que ayudaran a crear las infraestructuras industriales necesarias para hacer de España ese país próspero y emprendedor que todos deseamos”

Napisa: "there should be more institutional actions that helped to create the industrial infrastructure necessary to make Spain that entrepreneur and prosperous country that we all want"


The Builder Napisa celebrates this year its 15 birthday. On this occasion the President of the company takes stock of the work carried out by the construction company during these years and the situation of the industrial market in Spain.

1 Is Napisa 15 years old, makes evaluation of the trajectory of your company?

In these 15 years Napisa has two distinct phases: from 1991 to 1999, coinciding with the recession of the cycle of building our company grew moderately, from a turnover of EUR 1.3 million to 5.5 million euros, a staff of 8 to 25 people.

Since then growth has been far superior to achieve in 2005 a turnover of 36 million Euros with a workforce of 90 employees. In recent years our company has also initiated the geographical expansion, creating 7 new delegations.

2. How do in that situation is the company in the market?

Now Napisa is a company specialized in industrial construction, with a very consolidated image, and a position of leadership in the downtown area and clear reference in the rest of Spain.

3 Is which the sector that more stress, more important of the signature?

For the sectors we work more in order of importance are: companies promoting industrial, food, cars and graphic arts.

4. Comment on the major operations conducted by Napisa?

Store pieces of spare parts for Renault of 40,000 m2, the headquarters of Ediciones SM Boadilla del Campo, activities of Toledo Park, 55,000 m2 of buildings for the promoter Alaja S.A, several supermarkets for Mercadona, Supercor of 15,000 m2 in Boadilla and promotion of craft in Guadalajara for 26,000 m2Eidpersan-Lleira, among others.

5. What are those values that differ from other companies Napisa?

Napisa is a highly specialized company that differs from the competition by giving a more complete service in time for the customer and price, given that it has staff and suppliers very specialized in this type of works. Napisa is also certified by Aenor and Ceral enterprises, and is about to get the Madrid excellent brand. In addition, is a versatile company to adapt to the needs of each of our industrial clients whose needs are always very specific.

6 As you can see the status of the industrial market? Do you think about the relation price/offer of the offered ground?

The industrial market is rising, especially since corporate developers, until now devoted to the residential sector, have been set in our sector and are strongly implying it.

On the other hand, the industrial land is more expensive as accelerated in recent years, proportionally more than the residential land. The clear cause is that the offer of floor finalist is less than the demand, especially in areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Murcia, etc.

7 What assessment do the actions of the Administration to boost areas or infrastructure / soil?

I believe that the actions of the Administration go behind today's needs, both the State and regional level. It should be more institutional actions that helped to create the industrial infrastructure necessary to make Spain that entrepreneur and prosperous country that we all want.

8. What results has been obtained by Napisa in the last quarter?

Napisa has occurred during the last quarter approximately EUR 12 million and a staff of 17 million euros.

9. What are the prospects for the future of your company?

This year we have planned a turnover of 44 million euros (one 22% increase over the previous year) and a staff of 62 million euros (one 26% increase over the previous year). On the other hand, this year we hope to consolidate three delegations from final deployment such as Galicia, Aragon-Navarre and Catalonia, as the remaining (Levante, Andalusia, Castile - La Mancha and Castilla-León) definitively being consolidated during this exercise.

10 With few delegations does the company?

We have just completed all our delegations, namely: Seville (Andalusia), Alicante (Levante), Toledo (Castilla - La Mancha, Spain), Burgos (Castile-León and Northern), La Coruña (Galicia), Zaragoza (Aragón-Navarra) and Barcelona (Catalunya). We have selected these locations for thinking that they are more projection in their respective areas.

11. Do find you Valencia, Andalusia or Castilla-la Mancha as new markets for industrial land?

They have great potential for growth, right in the same order of the wording of the question, Valencia has a huge tour in industrial and logistical, in fact we are doing in the Valencian Community currently six plays; in Andalusia are doing six and in Castilla - La Mancha two.

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