Construccions Mecàniques Jusa, S.L. - Cortadoras / Rebobinadoras

Jusa SR Big Roll

Cortadoras rebobinadoras Automatic: desplazador Frontal and lateral or with alineador of optional band

Picture of Cortadoras rebobinadoras Automatic
Cortadora rebobinadora Automatic, system of longitudinal cutting for paper with mechanical circular blade or pneumatics and against-blade circulate simple or multiple.

- Step of tangential material to the blades or envolvente optional.

- System of longitudinal cutting for plastic with blade gillette, roller ranurado optional.

- Extractor Of retal optional.


- Type shaftless (without axis) loaders or static, or with integrated axis in machine or external.

- Automatic brake, tyre or electrical, by means of dancer or cells of load.

- Desplazador Frontal and lateral or with alineador of optional band.

It drag:

- System of drag type “S” with roller recubierto of rubber and roller cromado.

- Rollers in passing manufactured in aluminium, in other optional materials.


- System pisor of linear trip with capacity to exert pressesure on the coils of exit of a precise way and homogénea without mattering the size or the speed to which create the same.

- System of rewind with axles of embrague individual or with pneumatics axis.

- System of rewind of high production by means of revolving automatic with automatic transversal cutting.

- Manual positioning of the canutos of cardboard.

Control and hygiene:

- Control of the functions of the machine by means of tactile screen in the rebobinador.

- Physical or photoelectric barriers to guarantee the hygiene of the operario.

Applications: rewind of big rolls of papers and plastics in diverse thicknesses, knitted no fabric, complex aluminium or virgin, etc.