Generix Group Division España, S.L. - Warehouse management, stock control and logistics software


Warehouse management software: to optimize a wide variety of workflows

Picture of Warehouse management software
GCS WMS is a universal tool for the management of the store:-handles finished, semi-finished products and raw materials.

-Optimizes a wide range of flows: thrust, tense, cross-docking and reverse logistics - integrates natively with vocal technologies, radio frequency. GCS WMS has interfaces with the most various automatisms (sorter, licght, silo to pick...)-models classical processes of the supply chain and look towards the future in the integration of efficient traceability, triangulation (optimization of routes) and management of the docks. Accordance with the European regulation CEE 178/2002 for traceability of food products - adapts to the environment of the company thanks to its great modularity and power of parameterization. Modules and additional options can be enabled or disabled depending on the needs of your business.

-Compatible with the EANCON standard data exchanges, GCS WMS communicates with all software packages for your company, as well as with main integrated systems (ERP) market - help to increase competitiveness by optimizing storage capacities, controls the delivery restrictions, speeds processes by providing global visibility into the activity.