Grupo Moldtrans - Moldtrans, S.L. - Express transportion services

Transport expresses: packaging, grupaje expresses, fly door to door, chárter aerial, personnel on board and moldservicio

Picture of Transport expresses
Service of transport door to door with vehicles devoted, without manipulation neither transfer. Available the 24h, all the year. Transport and packaging urgent to any point of the planet.

Moldexpresses Offers a wide range of services of transport and packaging urgent with coverage to world-wide level, guaranteeing the fulfillment and commitments of delivery.

Moldexpresses Offers:


Personalización: exclusive services, adapted to the needs of load and time of traffic.

Flexibility: packaging, grupaje expresses, fly door to door, charter aerial, personal on board, moldservicio, etc. A service for each need.

They have of the following modalities:

Packaging: they offer any service that need with only a call. Agreements with the best networks of the world.

Grupaje Expresses: grupajes Guaranteeed with collected and delivery by means of an exclusive vehicle to reduce the times of traffic.

I fly door to door: sendings with regular flights that include the collected and delivery with own vehicles.

Chárter Aerial: they hire an aeroplane of load in scoop for the commodities. Ideal for the bulky sendings of big urgency.

Personnel on board: one of his agents will ship in a commercial flight and will deliver his package in hand in any country.

Moldservicio: Service of packaging urgent to measure that includes from the manufacture of boxes until the installation of machinery.