SSI Schaefer Sistemas Internacional, S.L. - RFID components


Transponder RFID: designed for the trazabilidad automatic of batches

The trazabilidad of batches plays an increasingly important role between the pharmaceutical wholesalers from the introduction of new legal regulations. In the USA demands rigorously the fulfillment of these regulations, known commonly like “Pedigree law”.

For this, SSI Schäfer, group specialist in systems of storage and logistical, has developed a concept based in the utilisation of advanced technology: the number of batch, the date of caducity and the number of article are memorised in a transponder RFID (Irradiate Frequency Identification) already in the point of reception of commodity, entering the transponder in each box of origin or cardboard of product for afterwards situate it in the shelving of replacement.

Like specialist in the automatic manufacturing of requests by means of robots of manufacturing or To-freamers, SSI Schäfer has applied the concept of control of trazabilidad also to these systems. During the replacement of products places the transponder RFID jointly with the first article of the box of origin inside the channel to fill. In the moment of the automatic expulsion of products by part of the To-frame, the transponder RFID is launched jointly with the products on the strip colectora. Of this form, the integrated cheese cheese antennas in the system of transport activate the aggregated chip to the transponder warning like this of the change of batch to the system. At the end of the strip colectora, in the point of load of the automaton enter in the cubeta jointly with the transponder RIFD all the products dispensed for a specific request. During his route by the installation, all the units of transport that contain a transponder divert automatically to the station of control so that the operarios withdraw there the transponder RFID and control the product for which the transponder is warning of a change of batch. The documents of delivery reflect the exact quantity of products of the same batch inside a determinate request, and all this without need of additional personnel.

The system allows his easy installation even with hindsight, in all type of automatic systems, independently of the provider that installed it. Thanks to this innovative solution achieves a tax of permanent reading of 100% in all the proofs realised, and this even with several changes of batch inside a same request.