Synerplus, S.L.L - Warehouse management, stock control and logistics software

ERP Selenne Gestión de Compras

Software for the management of shopping: complete circuit of shopping, management of internal and automatic applications-configurables, management of offers to providers..

Picture of Software for the management of shopping
Complete circuit of shopping, management of internal and automatic applications-configurables, management of offers to providers, management of requests to providers, planning and follow-up to the maximum detail with the timeline, complete management on ranks, alerts and approvals, management of providers. Traspasos Of warehouse, minimum stocks, regularisation of inventories, shopping, sales, etc.

The important is to define and set up his own organisational criteria, anticipating of agile and dynamic form a possible need before this was little handy. It facilitates the automatic analysis of the information for the departments and head offices of shopping, improves analytical and strategic criteria, taking of key decisions.

After the validation of an application, the attendants of the following cycle will be able to receive an automatic message with a semantic and frequency configurable. Each application will associate, incidentally, his states eat: Approved/No approved and Request/No request, of such form that will know the state in each moment. Can configure that it inform to the applicant in which moment has been asked, for example: “his application has been approved” or “his application has been asked”.

Can request through the standard staff or customise the forms inside the system. Can decide who has privileges to realizar an application and the limits assigned. When an user loga in the system, automatically identifies his origin, what will serve to identify the area or the delegation from where realizar the request. Of this form, each peticionario will be able to follow only his own requests or the ones of the delegation.