Construccions Mecàniques Jusa, S.L. - Sheeters


Resmadoras: lengths of cut from 50 to 250 mm

Picture of Resmadoras

- Incorporated in scheme, with axis desbobinador.

- Automatic brake with dancer.

It drag:

- System of drag with roller recubierto of rubber.

- Rollers in passing manufactured in aluminium.

Longitudinal cutting:

- System of longitudinal cutting for plastic with blade gillette to the optional air.

Transversal cutting:

- System of transversal cutting with fixed blade and rotary presses blade traccionada with servomotor.

- Cut by length or by signal impresa.

Control and hygiene:

- Control of the functions of schemes it by means of tactile screen in the rebobinador

- physical or photoelectric Barriers to guarantee the hygiene of the operario.


- Papers, plastics, laminados, aluminium monocapa and laminado, etc.