ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Order picking trucks

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Serie OPBH10N

Order pickers Electrical of high level: capacity of 1.000 kg and elevation to 11,5 m

Picture of Order pickers Electrical of high level
Ulma Carts Elevador offers the order pickers electrical CA of the series OPBH10N of Mitsubishi especially designed for applications of manufacturing of requests to exert in the highest zones and the narrowest corridors of the warehouse. The order pickers electrical of high level of Mitsubishi with a capacity of load of 1.000 kg reach a height of elevation of until 11.500 mm. His ergonomic design guarantees to the operario a comfortable and safe manipulation with a high speed of descent and elevation. His powerful hydraulics engine of alternating current provides a soft elevation, controlled and one of the fastest of the market. The order pickers of Ulma offer a high performance and a silent and effective operation, in addition to a low cost of maintenance, thanks to his engine of traction of alternating current. System of control of last generation with code PIN that allows to define parameters of operation in base to the load, the application and the operario. Screen LCD that keeps informed to the operario on the state of the order pickers allowing do a technical diagnostic detailed. The series OPBH10N is adapted for applications in narrow corridor being able to be also guided by rail or by induction.