ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Miscellaneous trucks

Hubtex S 30 AC

Carts Elevador of lateral load: the solution to the manipulation of long loads

Picture of Carts Elevador of lateral load
When the loads to handle are especially long, like tablones wooden, rolls or cylinders, tubes of aluminium or palés of big size and when it wants to rentabilizar to the maximum the space of his warehouse, the carts of lateral load of the marks Hubtex and Mitsubishi, commercialised by Ulma, offer the best logistical solution.

These carts of lateral load duplicate the capacity of his warehouse since they do not need an extra zone of twist being able to operate in corridors so only a small fraction wider that the own carretilla.

The carts elevador of lateral load can be bisteeringal, cuatrocaminos or multidireccionales.

- Bisteeringal model: electrical / thermal sensors , with a capacity of load of 3.000 to 7.000 kg and elevation until 6.000 mm.

- Model cuatrocaminos: diesel / LPG, with capacity of load of 3.000 to 4.500 kg. It treats of 3 carts in 1: frontal / lateral load / narrow corridor. His capacity of elevation is until 7.500 mm.

- Model multidireccional: with a capacity of load of 1.500 to 10.000 kg and of elevation until 10.000 mm.