Kardex Sistemas, S.A. - Intelligent warehouses


Carrusel Vertical automatic: controlled by computer

Picture of Carrusel Vertical automatic
The Megamat is a carrusel vertical automatic, controlled by computer. It can work like central warehouse or like integrated cheese cheese solution of flow of material. With his compact and robust equipment, the Megamat only needs little surface and with this take advantage of all the available height.

The system needs only a surface reduced and takes advantage of to the maximum all the available height of the room by means of a compact and stable construction. It reduces considerably the employment of time for storage and exit of the warehouse and the manufacturing of requests. The corporal effort can reduce until 80%. The accuracy in the storage finds usually in more than 99%.

Go up ladders, bend to take heavy loads, etc., belong to the past. Each compartment of the warehouse is transported automatically to the mouth of access. The opening of service finds in a height of ergonomic work.