Bureau Veritas Iberia, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Bureau Veritas Iberia, S.L.
Valportillo Primera, 22-24 - Pol. Ind. La Granja, Edif.Caoba
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑912702200   +34‑932535330  
🖷:  +34‑912702276
w:  www.bureauveritas.es
Evaluation of the compliance and certification

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is world-wide leader in evaluation of the compliance and certification.
We help to our customers to improve his performances, offer services and innovative solutions with the end to guarantee that his products, infrastructures and the processes fulfil with the norms and regulations in matter of quality, hygiene and health, protection of the environingingment and social responsibility.

Bureau Veritas This recognised and accredited by the main entities of national and international accreditation.

Key figures
- 48.000 employees, more than 5200 collaborators, 940 offices and 340 laboratories in 140 countries
- 400.000 customers
- 8 Global Businesses or Divisions with positions of world-wide leadership
- In 2010 the income: € 2.9 billion
- Bureau Veritas is a society that cotiza in the stock exchange of Euronext Paris

(Compartiment To, code ISIN FR 0006174348, symbol of cotización: BVI)

Our active
- An efficient international network only Combination of the international and local networks. Of agreement provision of services. We react fast to develop new capacities.
- Mark and reputation of strong mark built in more than 180 years.
- The highly qualified employees with technical experience. Business culture, orientation to the customer.
- Recognised technical experience with an important wallet of accreditations. The complete knowledge of the norms, the freamers of reference and norms. Wide knowledge of the industrial markets.
- Wide range of services QHSE that cover all the requirements. The sale crossed potential.

Our areas of experience
- Quality
- Health
- hygiene
- Environingingment
- social Responsibility

Our services
- Inspections and auditss
- Essays and analysis
- Classification
- Certification
- Management of active
- Learning

Bureau Veritas Was founded in 1828 "in the continuous research of the truth and to say it without fear neither prejudices".

The allegorical figure of the Truth, represented by a woman that surfaces of a spring, was chosen like the logo.

The emblem of Bureau Veritas sample to the young woman seated in the edge of the spring with the arms raised.

In his right hand carries a torch, in the left a mirror. His left foot rests on a globe terráqueo.

The world rests in some scales , the vara of Mercurio (a caduceo), and a rooster with the eyes raised to the woman. The horizon shows a ship of three topmasts, the bloated sails, that happens through a bay.

The new logo, goes back to draw in 1990 in a style heráldica pure, adheres to the same symbolism.

Delegation of Barcelona:
Av. Can Fatjó dels Aurons, 9 - Parc Emp. To-7, Edif. Palausibaris
08174 - Sant Cugat of the Vallès (Barcelona)
Tel. 932535330
ecouriers: catalunya@esp.bureauveritas.com