Icomatex, S.A. - Printing systems

Icomatex IC-Color

Termoestampadora: by transfer of special inks

Picture of Termoestampadora
The IC-Colour of Icomatex is a machine of termoestampación by transfer of special inks previously impresas on paper in one or several colours, that deposit by sublimation on any fabric formed by synthetic or natural fibres.

The speed is variable of 0 to 12 m/min by means of engine of 4 CV. It incorporates cylinder calefactor of 500 m/min. The installed total power is of 78 kW. The temperature is regulable for the diverse fibres until 230 °C, with an accuracy of ±2 °C in all the surface of the cylinder.

The heating is by means of 18 electrical resistances, mounted in interior of the cylinder, bathed in thermal sensors oil, with pressesure compensated.

It realises pressesure of contact of the paper and fabric against the cylinder calefactor by means of cloth sinfín that resists temperatures of more than 250 °C, mounted on cylinders of passage, one of which presiona by means of pneumatics cylinders, ensuring a pressesure regulable until 200 g/cm2.

It has of guiador automatic of the cloth sinfín. It incorporates ensanchador motorised with engine of 1 CV for gender of point. Also it has an enrollador of paper used.

It is instrumented with two enrolladores of contact to speed up the change, with regulation of speed in each one to control the tension of rolled up.