Comunet, S.A. - Textil industry software


Software for processes of textile manufacture: production, escandallos, orders of manufacture, parts of work, etc

Picture of Software for processes of textile manufacture
Business Manager Textile facilitates the integral management of the companies involved in the processes of textile manufacture and that require a complete solution that allow them develop and supervise the processes of management, productive processes and the logistical control. It includes distinct types of modules, which indicate to continuation:


The module of production, is the attendant to realizar the follow-up of the process of conversion of raw materials in products finished. The flow of work manages by means of the control of phases and tasks, allowing know at all times where finds the order of production and go realizar the follow-up of the same, as well as any correction in case that it was necessary.

Control of the process of production, including material and simple and compound pieces.

Control of raw materials, intermediate products and finished.

Generation of the processes to realizar in function of the requests, with broadcast of orders of manufacture.


Duplicated of escandallos with possibility of modification deleting or adding phases operations or components.

Escandallos Of manufacture of hierarchical form or grouped.

Detail of units by size and colour with possibility of edition.

Creation of orders from requests of customers, to create muestrarios, to complete stock, etc.

Information of the costs in function of materials, internal operations, external phases, total cost, margins and available price theorist by unit.

Orders of manufacture:

automatic Numbering of the documents.

Information of the request of origin of the order.

Launching of orders from the requests of customers.

Orders of manufacture for equipment and machines.

Parts of work: 

Time estimated and length of the process.

Control of incidences in each process, discount and automatic generation of stock.

Definition of operario, machine and process. Estimated and real units of raw materials consumed and of product finished.

Control of mermas and taras of product finished.

Exhaustive control and detailed of performances and incentives of operarios, machines and factory by remittances and dates.

Control of time of load of work of machines and deviations according to time conceded.

Specific reports of mermas of production by machines and type of product.

Control of costs:

automatic Calculation of the real costs of the production of any article before his manufacture, what will allow to study offers for the customers.

Study of the costs of operarios and machines, being able to study the possible outsourcing for the manufacture.

Management of warehouse:

Management of multiple warehouses.

Control, in real time, of the situation of the warehouse.

Management of multiple warehouses and locations.

Trazabilidad And regularisation of existences.

It adjust of inventory.

Integration of processes of management of requests, inventory, loans of material, applications, assorted/supply and request to the warehouse.

Management automated of the warehouse by applications, minimum stock, requests, needs.

Management automated of the reservations of the material.

Calculation of the unitary half cost.

Reports: situation of warehouse, reservations, gone in/exits, maximum stock or minimum, movements and logs, loans of material, applications, asked between warehouses.

Management of requests:

Integration of a workflow and automation of the process of requests and delivery notes from the adjudication of the budget and/or of the sending of the application of the request or groupings of applications (application of the request to the provider, confirmation of the request, reception of the request, verification of the delivery note, delivery in the warehouse, claims and returns to the provider).

Integration of the documentary management in the process of requests. Conversion of the documents of requests in models adapted to formats word, pdf and ecouriers. Integration with the documentary management of the system, activating, of form automated, the archive of the document.

Planning and management automated of the needs of procurement, taking into account minimum stocks, asked in course, needs between warehouses, applications of purchase.

Automatic calculation of the terms of delivery.

Management of the request by minimum stock of product and warehouses.

Report of requests to provider. The Report of requests allows to group the requests by dates, providers, requested, slopes to receive, received partially, received complete, between other combinations and filters. The report of requests allows to visualise the relation of the request with the delivery notes associated and, to his time, with the bills related, allowing a fast location of each line of the request.

Report of delivery notes of provider.


Options of configuration of the commercial campaign by zones of sales, products, offices, departments, etc.

Configuration of the master fields of the commercial management, of agreement to the needs of each campaign (roads of entrance of the commercial contacts, origins, potentialities, reasons of sales fallidas, etc.)

Integration of a workflow gifted of sufficient flexibility to adapt to the needs of any organisation. They integrate alerts and systems of control that guarantee the flow of the process.

Activation, organisation and automation of the tasks of agreement to the commercial process; grouping them by first contacts, budgets, available opportunities, available enclosures and turnover.

Easy access to the databases and records of potential customers, as well as of customers.

Integration of the documentary management in the process commercial.

Integration of the module of meetings and records.

Integration with the diary of events and calendars.

Prices and prices, lists of prices, discounts by customers, volume and products.

Access to reports of follow-up, evolution, commercial control, results and statistical.

Options of configuration of the system of commissions of the commercial team.

Warnings and systems of configuration to establish the risk with a customer.

Management of costs and costs associated to the commercial campaign.