Icomatex, S.A. - Overflow and Jet machinery

Icomatex Icostab

Machine of dyeing: to work with all class of fabrics

Picture of Machine of dyeing
The machines of dyeing of Icomatex are studied for the treatment and dyeing of fabrics, with a rapport of bathroom very short that repercute in a big economy of power, water and auxiliary products, as well as in the very soft treatment of fabrics of point and cloths to achieve some big finishings and a big regularity of dyeing.

The machine Icostab is a machine with a tub of 6 special metres for delicate fabrics (microfibras, licras, etc.). The tubs are teflonadas for a soft slide of the fabric and with a distance until the tourniquet of so only 25 cm for like this avoid the problems of tensions.