Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Overflow and Jet machinery

Brazzoli Innodye

Dyeing machine: to make the process of dyeing the industrializable possible

Picture of Dyeing machine
Dye machine model Innodye 600 signature Brazzoli, represented by the company Somalla S.L., was founded with the goal of making the process of dyeing as industrializable possible. In addition, adds a new concept: the translation of the treatment bath. The machine creates a new kinetics of molecular Exchange with the translation of the treatment bath. This innovative device allows a rapid spread of the dye on the fiber due to the constant concentration of the solution than the one in the bathroom. The dynamic translation of bath treatment is obtained with an innovative mobile basket with alternate motion transverse to the direction of progress of tissue. The translation of the bathroom guarantees three essential parameters: uniformity of bath treatment in each space in the interior of the machine, perfect repeatability of treatment, and the reduced formation of foam (therefore won't be already required the addition of anti).