Comsat, S.L. - Jet looms (air / water)


Creels With system AIR: wide visibility of the coils and easy access between them

Picture of Creels With system AIR
The models of creels FEU-R-AIR with coil of reservation is especially adapted to do several urdidas equal or big lengths of game.

It goes instrumented with two portabobinas by each tensor, one working and another of reservation, avoiding of this forms rests of cones and many less unemployments in the warp.

To be able to feed continuously the fileta, the portabobinas are giratorios allowing the placing of the new coil from the outside (unrolling the thread inside) or from the inner corridor, with desenrollamiento of thread by out.

The conception of the setting of this fileta allows his extension anytime. His type of tensor guarantees a high production and quality of warp and the employment of all the varieties of threads and fibres cut, continuous filaments, etc., without taking into account his title.