Rius-Comatex - Construcciones Metalúrgicas Especiales, S.A. - Vertical cutting machines

Rius Essemme Junior

Cortadora Vertical automatic: with electrical supply

Picture of Cortadora Vertical automatic
The cortadora vertical automatic Essemme Junior is the ideal solution for the one who have the need to cut, to measure and quantity predetermined, materials like cords, synthetic materials, velcro, elastic fabrics, fabrics gummed, gender of point, etc.

Essemme Junior is fed electrically, being endowed of two systems of cutting: cutting in cold and cutting in hot, being able to both use alternatively by means of a device of selection.

The cut in cold uses for materials like the cotton, leather, wool or raffia, being the cut in hot used for the cut of synthetic materials, to avoid a deshilamiento of the extremity cut.

The cuttings in hot and cold are realised of horizontal way.

It can him adapt a special device of unrolled, used for the cut of elastic materials.

Regarding his technical characteristics, his electrical supply is of 220 V. The consumption of cut in cold is of 150 W and the consumption of cut in hot is of 500 W. It includes an aspirador for the smoke of the cut in hot.

His minimum time production is of 1.200 pieces of a metre. The speed of drag is of 24 metres by minute. The width of the material admitted is of 60 mm. The length of the pieces is regulable from among 0 to 10 metres. It has of a regulator of the cut in hot, according to the thickness of the material to cut.

Regarding his device of hygiene has an acoustic signal of alarm and immediate unemployment of the machine by ending of the material or by any technical problem, in addition to a pulsador of unemployment in the machine.

His dimensions are: width of 70 cm, long of 70 cm, and high of 75 cm. His weight is of 50 kg.

It has of supports of two horizontal dishes for velcro and a carrete for cords.

The cut of the materials realises by means of a numerical control and electronic selection.