Bordados Bela - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Bordados Bela
Del Ros, s/n
46814 Llanera de Ranes (València) Spain
☎:  +34‑640512598  
Embroidery on textile surface

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It is currently equipped with the latest technological advances to embroider on any textile support imaginable.en family plan.
It is currently equipped with the latest technological advances to embroider on any imaginable textile support.
It is currently equipped with the latest technological advances to embroider on any textile support imaginable.a within the group that leads its industry at the national level.

It is currently equipped with the latest technological advances to embroider on any imaginable textile support.


Traditional embroidery, articles for regional costumes, cordelas, Moss, chain stitch, cross, wool, embroidered thermal, microporous enhancement, 3D embroidery, sequins, caps, finished garments, etc. they are products that meet the equally large and small sectors ranging from advertising to Haute Couture, passing through the textile industries dedicated to home clothes, fashion and even footwear.

The Torres group has developed a technology to combine the embroidery and printing system. Therefore has the possibility of making images in 3D.

The Torres group is the only company capable of meeting their needs as soon as possible. It has the Department of software that, in less than 24 hours, is responsible for converting customer's idea in the final designs which we will the machines to develop production.