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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Detección de posición en plantas automovilísticas y sistemas de almacenamiento
OLM200 Profinet represents the detection of position more precise with the standard of communication number one

Detection of position in car plants and systems of storage

Editorial Interempresas02/06/2014

One of the first sensors of optical linear measurement in conjugar these two elements, the OLM200 Profinet of Sick, combines the maximum functionality and availability with the advantages of the integration for ends of control with the technology of bus of field Profinet. It treats of a perfectly adapted combination to the strategy of the sector of the car and of the intralogística.

According to the results of diverse studies and the opinion of the experts, Profinet is at present the protocol industrial Ethernet number one in the construction of machines and industrial plants. The car manufacturers Germans have bet decididamente by Profinet from does years in relation with the Initiative of automation of the manufacturers of national trucks Germans (AIDA) and trust this standard of communication. In the last years have instrumented the robotic systems and of accionamiento of all his centres with thousands of systems of automation, sensors and actuators based in Profinet. By this reason, integrate a switch of two ports for Profinet in the sensor of linear measurement OLM200 was simply the most logical decision, since it converts to this sensor in a solution of positioning with a high sustainability in the future.

OLM200 Profinet of Sick
OLM200 Profinet of Sick.

Fast, precise and reliable: detection of position in straight and curves

The optical linear sensors of the range of products OLM of Sick use for the positioning of mobile units. With a distance of maximum measurement of 10 km, equivalent to, for example, the length of a system of electrical conveyor suspended, the sensor of processing of image uses one throws with bar codes for the detection of position. The OLM200 Profinet is able to carry out this process with an excellent precision thanks to his resolution configurable of 0,1 mm and to a reproducibility of 0,15 mm, that allow speeds of trip of until 10 m/s. This sensor of linear measurement based in camera has a resistant carcasa metallic IP 65 and lacks mobile elements in his interior, what does that the OLM200 Profinet of Sick was especially resistant to the impacts and vibrations and, therefore, immune to the failures. During the set up is useful that the sensor was able to detect and process of independent way marks of treatment for the parametrisation and other special functions. Besides, because of the corresponding positioning of the line of the camera in the electronic card, the design of the carcasa has taken into account the angles of necessary alignment for the installation to such an extent that the OLM200 Profinet only requires alignment in terms of height and distance, without need of any support of additional setting.

Sensor of linear measurement based in camera OLM200 Profinet
Sensor of linear measurement based in camera OLM200 Profinet.

OLM200 Profinet offers numerous possibilities of application

The tasks that realizar the OLM200 Profinet in plants of car production and in technologies of storage and of carriers are very diverse: they go from the positioning and the separation of carriers suspended and lanzaderas until the measurement of paths during the trip of tables and platforms giratorias, going through the detection of position in devices of storage and extraction equipment equipment that have to visit curves, as well as in his axis of elevation and his accessories for the manipulation of loads.

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