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The living room gathered the offer of 1.300 companies and received the visit of 38.963 professionals

General satisfaction with the results of Sicur 2014

Editorial Interempresas07/03/2014

Between the days 25 and 28 February celebrated the tenth ninth edition of Sicur, the big international fair of the hygiene in Spain that, organised by Ifema, gathered in the pavilions of Fair of Madrid, a complete sectorial representation, configuring an announcement of big dynamism and professional activity. A total of 1.300 companies participants with an innovative offer of products, equipment, services and solutions, and the assistance of 38.963 visitors of 74 countries, converted again to Sicur in the platform by excellence where take the pulse to the market and in an informative forum of rules, tendencies of avant-garde and projects of future in matter of protection and prevention.

In the breakdown of results, it is necessary to signal the important scope of the announcement of Sicur in the national field, as it reveals the presence of visitors of the 17 Spanish communities and of the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. In this chapter, after the professionals of Madrid, the greater influx corresponded to Catalonia, of where registered 3.000 professionals, followed of Andalucia and the Valencian Community.

Sicur 2014
Sicur 2014.

The international visit elevated to 2.885 professionals of 74 countries, between which stand out the ones of the European surroundings, mainly of Portugal, Italy and France, as well as of the iberoamericano, with accent in Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Ecuador. Likewise it has been especially interesting in this edition the presence of a hundred of professionals of countries of the Maghreb, a market of important potential to promote the exports of the sector.

On the other hand, with an announcement around 2.000 assistants and an absolute leadership of users of the hygiene developed the technical days framed in Forum Sicur, the program of conferences, talks, round tables, etc. that, this year, tackled subjects of very miscellaneous nature in reference to the three central axles of the Living room – hygiene, hygiene Against Fires and Labour hygiene, with the participation closely of 300 speakers and the valuable collaboration of distinct sectorial entities involved actively in his organisation.

The offer of Sicur completed with the presentation of the Gallery of New Products, the space devoted to recognise the effort in R&D of the companies, that in this occasion stood out 25 proposals of avant-garde; a program of presentations of product and practical experiences with the participation of distinct display units; an International Day of Transfer of Technology in hygiene, organised by the Foundation madri+d that gathered to 70 assistants of Finland, Greece, Israel, Turkey, United Kingdom and Spain around 124 meetings with the exhibition of 120 technological profiles; some Days of Diffusion of Technologies and Innovations in Defence and hygiene, in which they presented the projects Greenmar, of the Technological Institute ‘La Marañosa', and Aeroceptor, of the Inta, and some Days ‘Export hygiene', in which expert professional in the markets of Colombia and Ecuador, offered information on the characteristics, rules etc. of these countries.

Sicur 2014

Sicur 2014.

Besides, Sicur received, between other activities, the exhibition of ancient vehicles of police Retropol V, organised by the Spanish Association of directors of hygiene, Aeds, as well as a photographic sample that showed the intervention of emergency of Firemen Joined without Borders, Busf, in the catastrophe of Philippines in November of 2013, and different exhibitions and operative demonstrations to charge of the Military Unit of Emergencies –UME, Busf, Civil Guard, Aeds and Siemens, that allowed to the professional check live and in direct the efficiency of different performances and solutions in hygiene.

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Sicur - IFEMA

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